Durvet® Healthy Flock® Poultry Display

Item #: 325659
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Price: $159.00
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Description  Sold As Mfr.# UPC# Item#
HF Poultry Display Display w/24 jars 001-06656 745801066561 325659

Antibiotic free poultry soluble powders help keep your flock naturally healthy!
The 24 count counter display includes 6 of each of the following: 
Vitamins & Electrolytes, 100 gm jar - Aids in hydration & nutrition for a fast start. 
Probiotics Daily, 100 gm jar - Supports avian digestive health and nutrients absorption. 
Layer Boost, 100 gm jar - Improves the quality & quantity of eggs. 
DuraStat, 100 gm jar - All-natural alternative to stimulate water intake & enhance immunity. 
All powders may be used together at the same time. 

Dimensions (w/ header extended): 
9.625”H x 14.1875”D X 12.5”W